Many pet owners find crate training very challenging for different reasons. The most common reason that people give is that they feel like they are punishing their pet. There are those who believe that it is not right to “confine” their dog to a crate.
Many pet owners feel bad about leaving their pet in a crate when they are away from home. The fact is that while you might like the idea of having your dog roaming free around the house, this is not always practical and it can even be dangerous.
There are benefits of using a dog crate and they include ensuring the dog’s safety while traveling, toilet training the dog, creating a safe haven or retreat and keeping the dog comfortable. When you decide to crate your dog, you need to realize that crates come in different styles and sizes to suit different needs. Look for a crate that will suit the needs of your canine to ensure maximum comfort. Following are some steps that will come in handy when crate training your dog.
Select the crate
The first step involves selecting the best crate for your dog. Do some research and find out the options available. Remember that you are looking for a place where your dog will feel comfortable and enjoy getting away from everything. Size is a major factor when choosing a crate and you should think about the size of your dog. Choose the right crate materials to ensure safety and durability.
Choose a location
When introducing the crate to your dog, you need to select the best position or location for it. Place a crate pad or soft blanket in the crate to enhance comfort. Placing some of your dog’s favorite toys in the crate will help. If your dog cannot be trusted alone while chewing or is a heavy chewer, it may not be a good idea to place chewy toys in the crate as the dog might choke or suffer from effects of impactions.
Use treats during training
When the dog decides to explore the crate, encourage him or her by using soothing tones, praise or training treats. Do this any time the dog goes close to or enters the crate until he realizes that getting into the crate is a good thing. Start by placing the treats close to the entrance then as the dog gets closer, toss them further back until he is comfortable being completely inside the crate. This may take a while but be patient and remember that you should never force the dog inside the crate.
If you are planning to use the crate to housebreak your dog, you need to know that size is very important. There needs to be room for the dog to have a bowel movement and then move to a dry section away from the mess. If you are buying a crate for a puppy, remember that the dog will grow up and you should keep the adult size in mind when shopping. Remember that crate training will not happen overnight and it can take weeks before you get the results you want.
A word of caution though, any veterinarian in Courtland Manor, NY will tell you that it will be hard to conduct crate training for your pet when they are sick. Therefore, make sure that you only try crate training for healthy pets that are ready to undergo your training.